eGeetouch Featured on Nikkei Shimbun (日本经济新闻) as top list of IoT product in the travel goods industry.
Leading Japanese financial newspaper, Nikkei Shimbun (日本经济新闻) also known as The Nihon Keizai Shinbun, which owns UK-based Financial Times newspaper, featured eGeeTouch Smart Travel Padlock as top list of IoT product in the travel goods industry.
DigiPas和JSB Tech Tech共同参加了于8月27日至29日在千叶县幕张展览馆举行的DIY Home Center Show 2015。 自1964年以来,每年举行的eGee Touch Smart Travel Padlock是日本最大的DIY展览,迄今已有6亿游客。 继续获得最佳新产品创新奖。